Open Link- Employment Counseling & Assistance

The Open Link serves as a one-stop career center providing local job seekers with the resources and personalized attention they need to find their next career opportunity. We offer job seekers several options for finding employment that matches their skills, experience, and needs.

Our free and confidential services include:

Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS) Access Site, also known as PA Career Link, provides job seekers with a user-friendly tool that connects them to potential employers. By using CWDS, job seekers can create resumes and apply for positions online. The Open Link offers free access to anyone in the community who would like to use this comprehensive job search system. Job seekers who are able to independently navigate online can come in anytime during office hours to use the system. Those who need assistance should call ahead and make an appointment with our employment counselor, Hope Claypoole.

Employment Counseling provides job seekers with the personalized attention they need to be more effective and efficient during the job search process. A successful career plan and job search begins with a thorough understanding of one’s interests and values, the development of essential life skills, and the acquisition of career-related information. The Open Link offers programs, resources, and services designed to help at all stages of the decision-making and planning process.

Additional Services

  • Vocational testing to identify which occupations best fit with an individual’s abilities, interests, and personality
  • Resume preparation
  • Information on local job leads
  • Site for corporate staffing and job fairs
  • Free use of facilities – Computer access, fax machine, telephone and more (for employment reasons only)

For more information about these services, please call (215) 679-4112 or e-mail

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