Bridging the Gap to Essential Community Resources

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The mission of the expanded Behavioral Health Program is to address a critical need to promote symptom reduction and optimal patient outcomes.  The Phoenixville Free Clinic Behavioral Health Program has a goal of providing comprehensive individual mental health services and group counseling at our Church Street location as well as other locations in the Phoenixville community.


  • Outpatient Psychotherapy

  • Psychiatric Medication Management

  • Support Groups

  • Chronic Disease Behavioral Self-Management and Support

For Appointments Call:   610-518-4939

Help with housing, food, and education for residents in the Pottstown area.

Conexiones/Connections connects youth with free, bilingual therapy services.

To learn more or make a referral, please contact today

The Racial Equity Learning Community is a cross-county, multi-sector initiative for organizations in Bucks and Montgomery Counties to come together to learn, build relationships, and take action that deepens organizational and collective capacity to advance racial equity and justice in our region.

This program serves low-income individuals/families by providing financial support towards rental arrears, security deposits, first/last month’s down payment, and next month’s rent.  Program participants will receive referrals and connections to other supportive service agencies to promote ongoing housing stability.

Basic program eligibility is based on the following criteria:

● Adults (18 years or older)

● Residents of Montgomery County, PA, or residents from Philadelphia, Bucks, or Chester counties who   are seeking to move to Montgomery County

● Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI)

● Need assistance due to at least one of the following circumstances:


  1.    Currently homeless
  2.    At-risk of homelessness
  3.    In need of assistance moving into a new home due to emergency/safety concerns


Welcome to Resource Connects!
Looking for free or reduced-cost services like food, housing, childcare, and work? Enter your ZIP code to complete your personal search to find help.

Resources searchable by service or by zip code

SHARE is an affordable housing choice that brings together homeowners who want to share their home with home seekers who are looking for housing in exchange for rent, help around the house, or a combination of both. The home seeker receives their own bedroom and agreed upon use of the common areas. Every arrangement is unique depending on the needs, preferences,


Mathew Williams
610-277-6363  x140

Poison Control
(800) 222-1222

National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline
(800) 662-4357

Cocaine Anonymous
(800) 347-8998

National Help Line for Substance Abuse
(800) 262-2463

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